
Question Time – Courtney Stewart, La Boite Artistic Director and CEO

La Boite’s Artistic Director and CEO Courtney Stewart steps up to answer InQueensland’s 10 questions for your summer reading.

What was the highlight of 2023 for you?
Reaching my first year milestone at La Boite!

If you could have done something differently last year, what would it be and why?
If I could have done one thing differently it would have been to prioritise rest and sleep. I have been wired this year! I can feel more routine and structure in my weeks now that I’m a year into my job, my babies are settled at school and daycare, so I think more rest and sleep may be possible for me next year!

Who is someone to watch for in 2024?
So many amazing people doing amazing things in this city. A couple of creative minds to keep a close eye on are: Esther Dougherty, Egan Sun-Bin, Triona Calimbayan-Giles, Grace Law and Peter Wood! Amazing writers, directors, performers, thinkers, cultural leaders!

What is your most vivid memory of the festive holidays?
Christmas in Buderim with my family. Jelly and ice-mcream with my Por Por and Goong Goong!

Do you have any unique or funny holiday traditions?
We used to take a big silly family photo – actually my Mum was the one who encouraged this tradition. For the last one we took she bought a bulk pack of fake moustaches and reindeer antler headbands.

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What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2024?
To get outdoors more. I love being outside, and when my Son was younger I would be outdoors everyday. Working in the theatre means you are inside a lot with not a lot of access to natural light. I try and take a walk around Kelvin Grove each day, but I’d like to make being in nature a priority for 2024.

If you could have anyone from any time period attend your Christmas lunch, who would you choose?
Actually my Aunty! I would love her to meet my kids and my sister’s baby. We have a small family so she is really missed every year!

Coastal holiday or city holiday?
Coastal! I love taking my babies to the water. I try and stave off nature deficit disorder in any way I can!

What are you looking forward to in 2024?
So much! 2024 is the year of the Dragon, which is my Asian zodiac. I will be working on some great creative projects too. Overall though, I’m looking forward to more balance! It’s a daily recalibration task for me to make sure I stay balanced.

Do you have a summer book or podcast you can recommend?
I love to read or listen to motivational or inspirational books and podcasts during summer. It helps me get my mind right for the year ahead and helps me hit reset. I’m reading Stolen Focus by Johann Hari, The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey, and listening to the Simple Families and On Purpose Podcast.

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