Assessing your climate risk: Why acting now can secure a sustainable future
Identifying and proactively addressing repercussions of a changing climate are crucial for sustainable, resilient, and profitable businesses now and in the future.
Part of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland’s (CCIQ’s) ecoBiz program, Climate Risk Assessment Coaching Sessions are designed to help small to medium Queensland businesses identify specific risks to mitigating, managing and avoiding risks in the future.
Queensland businesses are able to investigate how they can save money on their water, energy and waste bills as well as reduce their carbon footprint through CCIQ’s free ecoBiz program, funded by the Queensland Government.
Business can develop an action plan with the help of an ecoBiz expert to save money and increase efficiencies towards becoming more sustainable.
With more than 1000 businesses registered from all over Queensland, from small cafes and offices through to large manufacturing and processing facilities, 90% of businesses recorded an increase in productivity and savings.
CCIQ Sustainability Manager Shloka Ashar said Queensland businesses increasingly analysed the risks, opportunities and financial implications of climate change and its impacts.
“It’s understood more severe and frequent extreme weather events jeopardise businesses’ stock and equipment, their supply chains, their employee health and safety and adequate and affordable insurance coverage,” Ms Ashar said.
“Queensland businesses have the opportunity to be more prepared for these risks. Under the Climate Risk Assessment Coaching program, an ecoBiz Sustainability Expert visits your business and will guide you through the Climate Risk Assessment tool and will provide recommendations.
“The Department of Environment and Science fund the ecoBiz program so there are no costs for businesses to participate.”
Ms Ashar said during the 2020-21 financial year, CCIQ delivered a preliminary pilot study to engage businesses on prudential risk management pertaining to climate-related impacts.
“The climate risk assessment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) pilot was very well received and highlighted a lack of readiness and understanding of climate-related impacts within Queensland,” Ms Ashar said.
“CCIQ has extended this pilot and there is now an opportunity for another 40 businesses to participate between now and 30 June 2022.
“The focus is on supporting businesses through providing substantiated climate change projections and assisting businesses to work through an appropriate adaptation plan.”
The pilot has been designed to align with the Queensland Climate Adaptation Strategy and Sector Adaptation Plan (SAP) for SMEs.
There are limited places to participate in the pilot, and businesses are encouraged to register.
For details on CCIQ’s free ecoBiz program see the ecoBiz website or register for a coaching session.