Rogue Liberal Kelly throws his hat into the ring with Palmer
Liberal turned independent MP Craig Kelly will lead Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party into the federal election.
Craig Kelly will sit on the crossbench but continue to support the Morrison Government.
Kelly quit the Liberals in February after he refused to stop pushing unproven COVID-19 treatments that contradicted health advice.
The MP for Hughes said the Liberal party had abandoned its traditional values.
“With endless authoritarian lockdowns, the emergence of a police state, censorship, and our state borders shut contrary to the vision of our federation, I no longer recognise the country I grew up in,” he said in a statement.
“I fear for our nation’s future if we continue on the current path.”
He said UAP would fight to end lockdowns triggered by COVID-19 outbreaks, including taking it to the High Court.
“We will be putting freedom over fear, liberty over lockdowns and choice over compulsion,” he said.
The party intends to run candidates in all electorates and contest Senate seats.