
Builder to lose licence after sex assaults

The Queensland government has moved to revoke the licence of a Townsville builder who admitted sexually assaulting women clients in their homes.

Sep 23, 2021, updated Sep 23, 2021
Queensland Energy Minister Mick de Brenni

Queensland Energy Minister Mick de Brenni

William Emanuel Camilleri pleaded guilty last month in the Townsville District Court to eight counts of sexual assault and was handed a 12-month sentence suspended for three years.

Camilleri committed the acts whilst undertaking renovation works in the homes of his clients but has not had his contractor’s licence revoked by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission.

Minister for Public Works and Procurement Mick De Brenni said he has become aware of the matter and how it relates to the QBCC fit and proper person test.

“I was advised that a decision not to use provisions to immediately remove this individual’s licence was taken by two senior licensing officers in May 2019 who have now subsequently resigned from the QBCC,” he said in a statement.

He asked the QBCC what action and powers it was using to suspend the licence pending a process considering permanent cancellation.

“I am advised that regulatory action to cancel or suspend the licence has been commenced and will be rigorously pursued,” Mr De Brenni said.

“I share the community’s expectation that our licensed tradespeople be fit and proper in all their dealings and that consumers are protected.”

Camilleri has been licensed with the QBCC since 2003 under his solely owned company, WEC Constructions Pty Ltd.

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