Slattery poised for another big tech move
Tech entrepreneur Bevan Slattery has another big project coming with his Superloop company readying to announce a major acquisition.
A UN report that the Great Barrier Reef is 'in danger' has been rejected by the federal government. (Photo: Marco Brivio / Photographer's Choic )
The Brisbane-based internet company has suspended its shares from trading today ahead of what is anticipated to be a $100 million capital raising and acquisition.
Slattery owns 17 per cent of Superloop, one of several tech companies he has founded.
Slattery posted on social media last week that there were three major things he was focussed on for the next decade.
“The first is my “reef project”, to build 1,000,000 square metres of tolerant reef with (former ALP state government minister) Kate Jones,” he said.
“The second is to help the amazing Mark Englund create Australia’s first true global, hyperscale deep tech company in FiberSense.
“The third is to improve Australia’s and IndoPacific’s digital resiliency and regional connectivity, especially in Australia’s north through HyperOne.
HyperOne is a planned $1.5 billion fibre project.