
An evening with Vika & Linda at QPAC

Vika & Linda Bull united a packed QPAC Concert Hall in song for An Evening with Vika & Linda with their long-term collaborator, producer and musical director Cameron Bruce accompanying them on grand piano.

Also featuring a special performance from MOSAIC Multicultural Choir, this concert raised funds and awareness for local Brisbane organisation HEAL (Home of Expressive Arts and Learning), a charity providing expressive arts therapies to young people from refugee backgrounds in Queensland.

1/28Aischa and Vicky Maume
2/28Ally and Anousha and Indie Cahill
3/28Amandhi Caldera and Erica Fernandez
4/28Anke Owens and Zamira Tyson
5/28Anne Sorensen and Conny Rodgers and Berny Byrne
6/28Audrey Mazimpaka and Nasteho Mukhtar and Odeta Mkeramana
7/28Breanna McCarthy and Hannah Flower and Donna and Ian Martin
8/28Carol Jelley and Corina Dekkers
9/28Catherine Nguyen and Curtis Innes
10/28Cheryl Owens and Lynn and Peter Rettke
11/28Dianne Hughes and Michelle Romano
12/28Don and Gail Halliwell and Kim Blackmore and Sally Stewart
13/28Donna and Ian Martin
14/28George and Fahina and Kelera Waqairagata and Sereana and Josateki Tora
15/28Greg and Lisa Jones
16/28HEAL team
17/28HEAL team
18/28HEAL team
19/28Helena Boman and Alberto Castillo
20/28Mark Sholtez and Luke Kennedy
21/28Matt Mcneice and Blair Mclellan and Letsma Vijayan
22/28Michelle and Greg Upkett
23/28Miriam Aman and Kaoru Wyman and Vicki Routledge
24/28Peta Fortune
25/28Robyn Davies and Heather Gallagher and Odi Evans
26/28Ros Danka and Julie Ellwood
27/28Roseanne Otago and Jeanette and Katie McConnel
28/28Steven and Emily Bell

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